Source code for DroneProject.DroneController

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

#Name:        James Hall
#Student No.: C00007006
#Institute:   Institute of Technology Carlow
#Project:     Drone Traffic Control System     
#Date:        April 2021 
#License:     GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
Drone Controller
Contains all drone control algorithms

import pickle
import math
import time
import threading
import multiprocessing
from threading import Thread, Lock
from AbstractDrone import AbstractDrone
from VirtualDrone import VirtualDrone
from Location import Location
from Flight import Flight
from save_load import *

#Global thread variables used to kill threads
takeoffThread = False
moveThread = False
altitudeThread = False
hoverThread = False
landThread = False
data_lock = Lock()

[docs]def MoveDrone(drone, flight, dronelist, lat, lon, locations): """ This function handles the logic for drone in flight. It calls the collision detection function """ global moveThread drone.destination_latitude = lat drone.destination_longitude = lon #Following variable needed to know when to stop distancetodest = getdistancetodestination(drone, flight) #While destination latitude and longitude not reached and distance from origin to destination not exceeded while ((drone.getdistancetoposition(float(drone.home_latitude), float(drone.home_longitude)) <= distancetodest)): canmove = True for d in dronelist: if (CollisionDetection(drone, d) and d.getdronestate() != "Grounded" and flight.flight_drone != d.drone_id and (int(drone.getbattery()) < int(d.getbattery()))): canmove = False break elif (CollisionDetection(drone, d) and d.getdronestate() != "Grounded" and flight.flight_drone != d.drone_id and ((int(drone.getbattery()) == int(d.getbattery())) and (float(drone.gethomelatitude())>float(d.gethomelatitude()) and float(drone.gethomelongitude())>float(d.gethomelongitude())))): canmove = False break if(canmove and flight.getflightabort() == False): drone.moveto(flight.getdestinationlongitude(), flight.getdestinationlatitude(), drone.getaltitude(), .0001) time.sleep(1) elif(canmove and flight.getflightabort() == True): newlat, newlon = findnearestlocation(drone, locations) drone.sethomelatitude(drone.getcurrentlatitude()) drone.sethomelongitude(drone.getcurrentlongitude()) flight.setdestinationlatitude(newlat) drone.setdestinationlatitude(newlat) flight.setdestinationlongitude(newlon) drone.setdestinationlongitude(newlon) drone.moveto(flight.getdestinationlongitude(), flight.getdestinationlatitude(), drone.getaltitude(), .0001) distancetodest = getdistancetodestination(drone, flight) flight.setflightabort(False) time.sleep(1) else: ChangeAltitude(drone,drone.getaltitude()-10) for i in range(10): Hover(drone) ChangeAltitude(drone,drone.getaltitude()+10) time.sleep(1) drone.sethomelatitude(float(drone.getcurrentlatitude())) drone.sethomelongitude(float(drone.getcurrentlongitude()))
[docs]def ChangeAltitude(drone,newalt): """ This function handles changes in altitude """ global altitudeThread while drone.getaltitude() != newalt: if (newalt < drone.getaltitude()): drone.setdronestate("Descending") drone.changealtitude(drone.getaltitude() - 1) drone.setbatterychange(.225) time.sleep(.5) elif (newalt > drone.getaltitude()): drone.setdronestate("Ascending") drone.changealtitude(drone.getaltitude() + 1) drone.setbatterychange(.225) time.sleep(.5)
[docs]def Hover(Drone): """ This function may be called to cause the drone to hover in place """ global hoverThread global takeoffThread while hoverThread or takeoffThread: Drone.hover() Drone.setbatteryinflight() time.sleep(1)
#Function to land the drone
[docs]def LandDrone(Drone): """ Function to land drone """ ChangeAltitude(Drone,0) print("Drone Landed: ", Drone.drone_id) Drone.setdronestate("Grounded")
[docs]def getdistancetodestination(drone, flight): """ Get travel distance from point to point Formula adopted from top answer and source of answer: """ radius = 6371 #Radius in km of Earth deg_latitude = math.radians(float(flight.getdestinationlatitude()) - float(drone.current_latitude)) deg_longitude = math.radians(float(flight.getdestinationlongitude()) - float(drone.current_longitude)) #a = Square of half the chord length between two points a = math.sin(deg_latitude/2) * math.sin(deg_latitude/2) + math.cos(math.radians(float(drone.current_latitude))) * math.cos(math.radians(float(flight.getdestinationlatitude()))) * math.sin(deg_longitude/2) * math.sin(deg_longitude/2) #c = Angular distance in radians c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a),math.sqrt(1-a)) d = radius * c return d
[docs]def getdistancetoposition(drone,poslat,poslon): """ Get travel distance from point to point Formula adopted from top answer and source of answer: """ radius = 6371 #Average Radius in km of Earth deg_latitude = math.radians(poslat - float(drone.current_latitude)) deg_longitude = math.radians(poslon - float(drone.current_longitude)) #a = Square of half the chord length between two points a = math.sin(deg_latitude/2) * math.sin(deg_latitude/2) + math.cos(math.radians(float(drone.current_latitude))) * math.cos(math.radians(float(drone.destination_latitude))) * math.sin(deg_longitude/2) * math.sin(deg_longitude/2) #c = Angular distance in radians c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a),math.sqrt(1-a)) d = radius * c return d
[docs]def getdistancetodrone(drone,otherdrone): """ Get travel distance from point to point Formula adopted from top answer and source of answer: """ radius = 6371 #Average Radius in km of Earth deg_latitude = math.radians(float(otherdrone.current_latitude) - float(drone.current_latitude)) deg_longitude = math.radians(float(otherdrone.current_longitude) - float(drone.current_longitude)) #a = Square of half the chord length between two points a = math.sin(deg_latitude/2) * math.sin(deg_latitude/2) + math.cos(math.radians(float(drone.current_latitude))) * math.cos(math.radians(float(otherdrone.current_latitude))) * math.sin(deg_longitude/2) * math.sin(deg_longitude/2) #c = Angular distance in radians c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a),math.sqrt(1-a)) d = radius * c return d
[docs]def TakeOffFlyLand(drone, flight, dronelist, locationlist): """ Function called to execute a full flight """ drone.takeoff() destlat = flight.getdestinationlatitude() destlong = flight.getdestinationlongitude() ChangeAltitude(drone, 50) MoveDrone(drone, flight, dronelist, destlat, destlong, locationlist) LandDrone(drone) print(drone.drone_id, 'complete:', flight.getflightcomplete()) flight.setflightcomplete(True) print(drone.drone_id, 'complete:', flight.getflightcomplete()) with data_lock: flights = LoadFlightList() for f in flights: if f.getflightid() == flight.getflightid(): print(f.getflightid()) print(flight.getflightid()) f.setflightcomplete(True) SaveDroneList(dronelist) SaveFlightList(flights) print('complete:', f.getflightcomplete()) break
[docs]def CollisionDetection(drone, otherdrone): """ Collision detection, detects if other drone is within 30m horizontally or 10m vertically """ if ((getdistancetodrone(drone,otherdrone)<=.03) and (abs(drone.getaltitude()-otherdrone.getaltitude())<=9)): return True else: return False
[docs]def findnearestlocation(drone, locations): """ Finds nearest location to drone """ newlocationlat = drone.getdestinationlatitude() newlocationlon = drone.getdestinationlongitude() for location in locations: if (getdistancetoposition(drone,float(location.getlocationlatitude()),float(location.getlocationlongitude())) < getdistancetoposition(drone,float(newlocationlat),float(newlocationlon))): newlocationlat = location.getlocationlatitude() newlocationlon = location.getlocationlongitude() return newlocationlat, newlocationlon