Deepfake Image Detection Tool

By Marcin Kaczmarek

About Project

Based on Benford's law, my project is an image testing tool. It was designed to assess if the image under examination is genuine or if there are evidence of interference or alteration.

If you live in the modern world, you have the ability to alter the format of any photo, video, or music file. Furthermore, there may be a variety of justifications or motivations for doing so. From a simple desire to better one's looks to more severe objectives such as cheating or attempting to influence someone's perception or image of reality, there is something for everyone. But how can you tell the difference between what is true and what is false? What tools should we employ, and can we be positive that the image we want to study is real or not using them, and with what degree of certainty can we decide this? Is that even possible? My project was just an attempt to develop a tool that, through suitable mathematical manipulations and the application of Benford's law, could be used to test Deepfake. It analyses the image and does a comparison between the curve of Benford's law and the curve that was derived after looking at our image. Any differences are easily identified by the investigator.


Thank you very much for your help, dedication and advice,
which I could always count on from my supervisor:
Richard Butler
BSc (Hons), MSc, CISSP


Below technologies were used to implement Deepfake Image Detection Tool project


Functionality Implemented

All below functionality is implemented, was tested and performs described tasks as intended

Friendly and simple GUI
Image uploader in order to test for possible image manipulations
Result chart with implemented the Benford law curve and tested image curve
Result table - numerical representation for tested Image


Look at this boy. What do you think about him? Normal kid. Unfortunately only digitally generated - this kid does not really exist.

Look here! Schwarzenegger's metamorphosis that transforms into Stallone. But wait a minute, who finally played in the movie "Terminator" ?.

Lucasfilm hires YouTuber who used deepfake to improve 'The Mandalorian'.

Home Deepfake Image Detection Tool

Sample image test result

A table that is a digital representation of the test result. Sometimes it is better to see the differences in the numbers than in the charts.


Research Manual

Contains initial research conducted for my final year project.

Functional Specification

This document outlines the functional specification and project plan.

Final Report

This document contains the full detail with examples of my final year project.


My name is Marcin Kaczmarek and I am a fourth year student studying CyberCrime and IT Security in IT Carlow. Cyber crime and security has been my passion for many year's and I hope you enjoy looking at my work as much as I enjoyed doing it.