safe Drive Mobile Application

About Project


Road Fatalities Graph
Fig.1 - 2022 Road Fatalities per million people.

With an ever increasing number of cars on the roads around the world, the issue of road safety affects drivers of all types, particularly those who frequently travel long distance due to the increased risk due to driver fatigue. The number of fatalities from road traffic accidents is a tragic and preventable epidemic with road traffic fatalties in Ireland in 2023 being the highest in eight years. This is not just a problem is Ireland however with over a million people killed on the world's roads each year. This project's motivation is to attempt to address this crisis by exploring technological solutions that can reduce the risks of accident occurance.


Contributory Factors
Fig.2 - Most common contributory factors.

The goal of this project given the problem statement of reducing risk of accidents and improving road safety was to attempt to apply the recent advances in on-device machine learning to develop a mobile application capable of tackling the most common contributory factors to road traffic accidents, driver fatigue, excessive speed and driver distraction. The impact of such a system in helping prevent road traffic collisions has the potential to save the lives of its users and make the roads a safer place for the public at large.

Irish Road Fatalities in 2023

Increase in Irish Road Fatalities from 2022 %

EU Road Fatalities 2022

US Road Fatalities 2022


To learn more about the development process and design decisions that drove the creation of the final application, please feel free to explore the documentation below.

Functional Specification

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Design Document

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Project Report

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User Manual

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Name: Shane Kennedy

Profile: Software Developer



Python 90%
React Native 85%
React 80%
Java 80%
C++ 70%
HTML 80%
CSS3 75%
PHP 50%
About me

I am a fourth-year student at SETU, Carlow, nearing completion of my Bachelor's degree in Software Development. With an unwavering passion for continuous learning, I thrive on exploring and leveraging new technologies to craft innovative solutions and deliver high-quality software products.

Currently, my focus areas revolve around Cloud Computing, Data Analytics, and Machine Learning, encompassing facets such as MLOps, Data Mining, Object Identification, and Image Processing. I am always enthusiasm to tackle new challenges and complete new projects to further develop my knowledge and skills.

Special thanks to everyone who helped in the development of this project. In particular, my project supervisor Chris Meudec for his support and advice along the way.
Chris Meudec

Project Supervisor

Joseph Kehoe

Course Director