Fourth Year Project

This project serves as a delve into the microservice architecture for a single-developer project.

By Eoin Farrell

  • Research Document

    Initial research on frameworks, libraries, languages and external services.

  • Functional Specification

    The functional and non-functional requirements set in throughout the project.

  • GitHub Repo

    Repository for code review


The Why

This project was an exploration of the microservice architecture
for a small-scale, solo-developer project.

It's aim was to determine the viability of an architecture rooted
in the belief it's suited for multi-team, large-scale projects.

Read more about the microservice architecture below:

I'm Eoin Whelan (Farrell) and this site was used to showcase my final year project for my fourth year studying software development here in IT Carlow.
Eoin Whelan (Farrell)
You can catch me at the following places: