skill module

class skill.Covid19

Bases: skill.Skill

[This skill provides the user, with covid-19 statistics from]


Skill ([abstract class]) – [Skill - is the parent abstract class]

error(user: str, country: str, response: str, AIstatus: str, status: dict)

[Method that runs if the run() method fails to retrieve information]

  • user (str) – [The name of the user that stands in front of the camera]

  • country (str) – [Country for which Covid-19 statistics were requested]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • status (dict) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]

prepare(request: str, AIstatus: str, status: dict)

[Method that prepares the environment to retrieve Covid-19 statistics]

  • request (str) – [User’s request in raw format]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • status (dict) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]


[Country for which Covid-19 statistics are required]

Return type


run(country: str, response: str, status: dict, AIstatus: str)

[Method that retrieves the Covid-19 statistics, and provides the information back to the user]

  • country (str) – [Country for which the Covid-19 statistics are required]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • status (dict) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

class skill.Date

Bases: skill.Skill

[This skill provides the current date]


Skill ([abstract class]) – [Skill - is the parent abstract class]

prepare(AIstatus: str, status: list)

[Method that retrieves the current date]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • status (list) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]


[Current date]

Return type


run(date_today: str, AIstatus: str, response: str, status: dict)

[Method that returns the current date, and provides the information back to the user]

  • date_today (str) – [Current date]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • status (dict) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]

class skill.Definition

Bases: skill.Skill

[This skill provides the user a definition for a certain word from wikipedia]


Skill ([abstract class]) – [Skill - is the parent abstract class]

error(user: str, word: str, response: str, AIstatus: str, status: dict)

[Method that runs if the run() method fails to retrieve information]

  • user (str) – [The name of the user that stands in front of the camera]

  • word (str) – [The word for which the definition is requested for]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • status (dict) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]

prepare(AIstatus: str, request: str, status: dict)

[Method that prepares the environment to retrieve a definition]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • request (str) – [User’s request in raw format]

  • status (dict) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]


[The word for which the definition is request for]

Return type


run(response: str, AIstatus: str, word: str, status: dict)

[Method that retrieves the definition for the word requested, and provides the information back to the user]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • word (str) – [The word for which the definition was requested for]

  • status (dict) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]

class skill.Emergency(user_device: str)

Bases: skill.Skill

[This skill sends an emergency message, and calls the emergencies]


Skill ([abstract class]) – [Skill - is the parent abstract class]

confirm_send_SOS(response: str, AIstatus: str, user_is_registered: bool, user_has_SOS_contact: bool)

[Method that allows the user to cancel the action of sending an emergency message and calling the emergencies]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • user_is_registered (bool) –

    • True -> the user is registered on the device

    • False -> the user is not registered on the device

  • user_has_SOS_contact (bool) –

    • True -> the user has an SOS contact designated

    • False -> the user has no SOS contact designated


[“cancel” if the user cancels the action]

Return type


run(response: str, AIstatus: str, conn: object, status: dict, user_is_registered: bool, user_has_SOS_contact: bool)
[Method that sends an emergency text message to the SOS contact and calls the emergency]
  • Performing the emergency call, I used the phone number of the SOS contact, but it can be replaced by 112 or 911

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • conn (Communication) – [GPS object]

  • status (dict) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]

  • user_is_registered (bool) –

    • True -> the user is registered on the deice

    • False -> the user is not registered on the device

  • user_has_SOS_contact (bool) –

    • True -> the user has an SOS contact designated

    • False -> the user has no SOS contact designated

class skill.Good_bye

Bases: skill.Skill

[This skill provides a good-bye message for the user]


Skill ([abstract class]) – [Skill - is the parent abstract class]


[Method that chooses a random good-bye message from a list]


[Good-bye message]

Return type


run(AIstatus: str, response: str, message: str, status: dict)

[Method that retrieves a good-bye message, and provides the information back to the user]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • message (str) – [Good-bye message]

  • status (dict) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]

class skill.Greeting

Bases: skill.Skill

[This skill greets the user when the virtual assistant starts]


Skill ([abstract class]) – [Skill - is the parent abstract class]

prepare(user: str)

[Method that prepares the greeting according to the current time of the day]


user (str) – [The user standing in front of the camera]



Return type


run(greeting: str, response: str)

[Method that greets the user that stands in front of the camera]

  • greeting (str) – [Greeting]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

class skill.Help

Bases: skill.Skill

[This skill provides the user some guidance on how to use the device]


Skill ([abstract class]) – [Skill - is the parent abstract class]

SOS_help(user: str)

[SOS help]


user (str) – [The name of the user that stands in front of the camera]


[SOS guidance]

Return type


covid_help(user: str)

[Covid-19 help]


user (str) – [The name of the user that stands in front of the camera]


[Covid-19 guidance]

Return type


error(AIstatus: str, status: dict, response: str, user: str)

[Method that runs if the run() method fails to retrieve information]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • status (dict) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • user (str) – [The name of the user that stands in front of the camera]

general_help(user: str)

[General help]


user (str) – [The name of the user that stands in front of the camera]


[General guidance on how to use the device]

Return type


list_help(user: str)

[Lists help]


user (str) – [The name of the user that stands in front of the camera]


[Lists guidance]

Return type


location_help(user: str)

[Location help]


user (str) – [The name of the user that stands in front of the camera]


[Location guidance]

Return type


prepare(AIstatus: str, status: dict, request: str)

[Method that prepares the environment to retrieve the help requested]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • request (str) – [User’s request in raw format]

  • status (dict) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]


[The subject on which the user needs help with]

Return type


register_help(user: str)

[Register help]


user (str) – [The name of the user that stands in front of the camera]


[Register guidance]

Return type


run(subject: str, AIstatus: str, status: dict, response: str, user: str)

[Method that retrieves the requested guidance about the device, and provides the information back to the user]

  • subject (str) – [The subject on which the user needs help with]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • status (dict) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • user (str) – [The name of the user that stands in front of the camera]

weather_help(user: str)

[Weather help]


user (str) – [The name of the user that stands in front of the camera]


[Weather guidance]

Return type


class skill.List(user_device: str)

Bases: skill.Skill

[This skill allows the user to manipulate personal lists]


Skill ([abstract class]) – [Skill - is the parent abstract class]

add_item_to_list(AIstatus: str, status: dict, name: str, the_list: str, item_to_add: str)

[Method that adds an item to a certain list and updates the pickle file containing the lists]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • status (dict) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]

  • name (str) – [The name of the user standing in front of the camera]

  • the_list (str) – [Name of the list where the item will be added]

  • item_to_add (str) – [Name of the item to be added]


  • True -> the item was added to the list

  • False -> the item was not added to the list

Return type


create_list(name: str, AIstatus: str, status: dict, response: str, name_list: str)

[Method that creates a list and adds it to the correct pickle file]

  • name (str) – [Name of the user standing in front of the camera]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • status (dict) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • name_list (str) – [Name of the list that needs to be created]

delete_item_from_list(AIstatus: str, status: str, name: str, the_list: str, item_to_delete: str, response: str)

[Methods that deletes an item from a certain list and updates the pickle file containing the lists]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • status (str) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]

  • name (str) – [Name of the user in front of the camera]

  • the_list (str) – [Name of the list, from which an item will be deleted]

  • item_to_delete (str) – [Item to be deleted from the list]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]


  • True -> the item was removed from the list

  • False -> the item was not removed from the list

Return type


delete_list(AIstatus: str, response: str, name_list: str, status: dict, name: str)

[Method that deletes a list from the pickle file]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • name_list (str) – [Name of the list to be deleted]

  • status (dict) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]

  • name (str) – [Name of the user in front of the camera]

error(response: str, AIstatus: str, status: dict)

[Method that runs if the user requesting to manipulate a list is not registered on the device]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • status (dict) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]

list_exists(lists: dict, name_of_list: str)

[Method that checks if a specific list already exists]

  • lists (dict) – [All saved lists]

  • name_of_list (str) – [List that needs to created]


  • True -> the list already exists

  • False -> the list does not exist

Return type


run_add_item_to_list(AIstatus: str, response: str, status: dict, understanding: str, request: str)

[Method that prepares the environment to add an item to a list]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • status (dict) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]

  • understanding (str) – [What the virtual assistant understood from the user’s request (in text format). This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • request (str) – [User’s request in raw format]

run_create_list(response: str, AIstatus: str, understanding: str, status: dict)

[Method that prepares the creation of a list]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • understanding (str) – [What the virtual assistant understood from the user’s request (in text format). This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • status (dict) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]

run_delete_list(AIstatus: str, response: str, status: dict, understanding: str)

[Method that prepares the environment to delete of a certain list]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • status (dict) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]

  • understanding (str) – [What the virtual assistant understood from the user’s request (in text format). This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

run_remove_item_from_list(AIstatus: str, status: dict, understanding: str, response: str, request: str)

[Method that prepares the environment to remove an item from a list]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • status (dict) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]

  • understanding (str) – [What the virtual assistant understood from the user’s request (in text format). This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • request (str) – [User’s request in raw format]

run_see_list(AIstatus: str, response: str, status: dict, request: str, understanding: str)

[Method that prepares the environment to retrieve a certain list and its items]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • status (dict) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]

  • request (str) – [User’s request in raw format]

  • understanding (str) – [What the virtual assistant understood from the user’s request (in text format). This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

see_all_lists(AIstatus: str, status: dict, response: str)

[Method that retrieves all the lists that the user has already]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • status (dict) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

see_list(AIstatus: str, response: str, the_list: str, status: dict, name: str)

[Method that retrieves a certain list from the pickle file]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • the_list (str) – [List to be displayed]

  • status (dict) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]

  • name (str) – [Name of the user in front of the camera]

class skill.Location

Bases: skill.Skill

[This skill provides the user with details about a specific location, using Google Location API]


Skill ([abstract class]) – [Skill - is the parent abstract class]

call(phone_number: str, location: str, conn: object, response: str, AIstatus: str, status: dict)

[Method that performs a call to a specific location]

  • phone_number (str) – [Location’s phone number]

  • location (str) – [Location’s details]

  • conn (Communication) – [GPS object]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • status (dict) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]

prepare(request: str)

[Method that prepares the environment to retrieve location details]


request (str) – [User’s request in raw format]


[User’s request after being cleaned from unnecessary words]

Return type


run(AIstatus: str, location: str, response: str, status: dict, conn: object, call: bool)

[Method that retrieves location details and provides the information back to the user]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • location (str) – [The location the user requested details about]

  • status (dict) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

class skill.Register

Bases: skill.Skill

[This skill registers a new user on the device]


Skill ([abstract class]) – [Skill - is the parent abstract class]

get_name(AIstatus: str, response: str, understanding: str, user: str)

[Method that retrieves the name the user wants to use to register on the device]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • understanding (str) – [What the virtual assistant understood from the user’s request (in text format). This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • user (str) – [The name of the user that stands in front of the camera]


[The name the user wants to be registered with]

Return type


prepare(name: str)

[Method that prepares the environment to run the registration]


name (str) – [Name of the user standing in front of the mirror (“stranger” if the user is not registered)]


  • True -> The user is not registered

  • False -> The user is already registered

Return type


registration_diaglog(picture_number: int, name: str, len_images: int, response)

[Method that makes the registration interactive, by communicating with the user during the process]

  • picture_number (int) – [The picture number that the process of training is at]

  • name (str) – [The name of the user and the name of the folder where the pictures are]

  • len_images (int) – [The total number of pictures used for the registration process]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

run(AIstatus: str, cameraRunning: bool, name: str, response: str, status: dict)

Method that controls the registration process.

  • This method takes control of the camera module from the main Camera process until pictures with the user are taken

  • When the process of taking pictures with the user is finished, the control of the camera module is given back to the main Camera process

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • cameraRunning (bool) – [Variable that controls the camera module for the main Camera process]

  • name (str) – [Name of the user that registers]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • status (dict) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]

take_pictures(name: str, response: str)

[Method takes approximately 80 pictures with the user that is in front of the camera]

  • name (str) – [Name of the user that registers]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

train(name: str, response: str)

[Method that trains the device to recognize a certain user. This method converts images to embedded 128-d vectors and saves the vector to a pickle file]

  • name (str) – [Name of the user that requested to register]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

user_exists(user: str, response: str)

[Method that checks if the user requesting to register is already registered or not]

  • user (str) –

    Name of the user requesting to register:

    • stranger -> unregistered user

    • other name -> if the user is already registered

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]


  • True - > the user is already registered

  • False -> the user is not registered

Return type


class skill.SOS(user: str)

Bases: skill.Skill

[This skill manages the SOS contact]


Skill ([abstract class]) – [Skill - is the parent abstract class]

get_name(response: str, AIstatus: str, understanding: str)

[Method that retrieves the name of the emergency contact from the user]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • understanding (str) – [What the virtual assistant understood from the user’s request (in text format). This text is displayed on the mirror surface]


[Name of the emergency contact]

Return type


get_phone_number(response: str, AIstatus: str, name: str, understanding: str)

[Method that retrieves the phone number of the emergency contact from the user]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • name (str) – [Name of the emergency contact]

  • understanding (str) – [What the virtual assistant understood from the user’s request (in text format). This text is displayed on the mirror surface]


[Phone number of the emergency contact]

Return type


run_add_contact(response: str, AIstatus: str, conn: object, understanding: str, status: dict, user_is_registered: bool)

[Mehtod that controls the creation of the SOS contact]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • conn (Communication) – [GPS object]

  • understanding (str) – [What the virtual assistant understood from the user’s request (in text format). This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • status (dict) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]

  • user_is_registered (bool) –

    • True -> the user is registered on the device

    • False -> the user is not registered on the device

save_contact(name: str, number: str, name_user: str)

[Saving the new emergency contact in a pickle file]

  • name (str) – [Name of the emergency contact]

  • number (str) – [Phone number of the emergency contact]

  • name_user (str) – [Name of the user in front of the camera]

send_sms_to_new_contact(response: str, AIstatus: str, conn: object, name: str, number: str)

[Method that sends a text message to the emergency contact, informing that particular person that it had been assigned as an emergency contact by the user]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • conn (Communication) – [GPS object]

  • name (str) – [Name of the emergency contact]

  • number (str) – [Phone number of the emergency contact]

class skill.Skill

Bases: abc.ABC

[This class is an abstract class for Skill derivated classes]


[Method that runs, if the run() method fails]


[Method that prepares all the necessary resources to run the skill]


[Method that runs the skill and provides the information back to the user]

class skill.Thank_you

Bases: skill.Skill

[This skill provides the user with a response for ‘Thank you’]


Skill ([abstract class]) – [Skill - is the parent abstract class]

prepare(user: str, AIstatus: str, status: dict)

[Method that chooses randomly a thank you message from a list]

  • user (str) – [The name of the user that stands in front of the camera]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • status (dict) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]


[Random thank you message]

Return type


run(response: str, AIstatus: str, status: list, answer)

[Method that answers back to a thank you request]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • status (list) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]

  • answer ([str]) – [The thank you answer returned by the prepare() method]

class skill.Time

Bases: skill.Skill

[This skill provides current time]


Skill ([abstract class]) – [Skill - is the parent abstract class]

prepare(AIstatus: str, status: dict)

[Method that retrieves current time]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • status (dict) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]


[Current time]

Return type


run(now: str, AIstatus: str, response: str, status: dict)

[Method that provides the current time back to the user]

  • now (str) – [Current time]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • status (dict) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]

class skill.Weather

Bases: skill.Skill

[This skill provides weather details to particular locations]


Skill ([abstract class]) – [Skill - is the parent abstract class]

error(user: str, response: str, AIstatus: str, status: list, city: str)

[Method that runs if the run() method fails to retrieve information]

  • user (str) – [The name of the user that stands in front of the camera]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • status (list) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]

  • city (str) – [The city for which the weather forecast is requested]

prepare(AIstatus: str, status: list, request: str, conn: object)

[Method that prepares the environment to retrieve weather details]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • status (list) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]

  • request (str) – [User’s request in raw format]


[The location requested for weather forecast]

Return type


run(city: str, AIstatus: str, response: str, status: dict)

[Method that retrieves weather details and provides the information back to the user]

  • city (str) – [The city for which weather forecast is provided]

  • AIstatus (str) – [Virtual assistant’s current status: listening, answer, etc. This status is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]

  • status (dict) – [Virtual assistant’s statuses available]

class skill.not_understanding

Bases: skill.Skill

[This skill informs the user that the request does not match any skill]


Skill ([abstract class]) – [Skill - is the parent abstract class]

run(response: str)

[Method that informs the user that no skill matched its request]


response (str) – [The Virtual Assistant’s answer in text format. This text is displayed on the mirror surface]