An excellent Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for developing Flutter applications. Android Studio's Flutter plugin allowed for an easy to use, streamlined development environment. Along with its inbuilt tools for testing on multiple platforms such as Android or Chrome, made this the perfect IDE for the job.
A popular framework for developing cross-platform applications, Flutter allows for code to be developed for use on both mobile and web platforms. Reducing the time and resouces that would otherwise be needed to development multiple code bases. Providing a wide range of widgets and tools that allow developers to build applications that suits their needs.
Using the Flutter framework to develop server-side applications for both mobile and web applications, Dart is a flexible programming language. It has easy to understand syntax and comes with many different libraries and tools that enables a faster development to process. Overall, making Dart a reliable and efficient language for developers in the world of modren day appliction development.
Functioning as a NoSQL database, Firebase provides a wide range of backend services for developers working across muilptle platforms. With inbuilt tools that can connect directly with Flutter applications, Firebase offers seamless integration with Flutter ptojects through the FlutterFire library. Firebase's cloud storage makes sending and retrieving data from the cloud an almost hassle free process.