Legend Terrain

A dive into the feasability of procedural worlds.


Legend Terrain is a project that began in OpenGL, it was a challenge I gave myself where I wanted to create realistic environments.

Due to time limitations, I couldn't accomplish what I had set out to do, but I found out and accomplished numerous things along the way.

The culmination of the project was put into a single demo, but the beef of the work is in the two renditions leading up to it.

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Pieces of the Project

LegendTerrain 0.1 Screenshot

LegendTerrain 0.1

Initial version, exploring basic procedural generation algorithms.

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LegendTerrain 0.2 Screenshot

LegendTerrain 0.2

Enhanced version with optimizations.

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Platformer Screenshot


Side project to implement a basic platformer using procedural levels.

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If I am being honest, I missed the mark and let myself down. There's no sugarcoating it.

Given an extra 6 months, I would have had something that I would have been proud of.

But at the end of the day, I gained invaluable experience in a niche area of programming.

Do I regret choosing something that I wasn't able to do? Not really, my knowledge on the subject matter expanded exponentially since it began.

In conclusion, creating your own procedural terrain generator is easy, programming the graphics pipeline however, takes more time than you think.

Thank you.