Main Menu

Embark on a journey through a world where technology and sustainability converge in our latest game, EcoSynth. The main menu, elegantly designed with a futuristic cityscape backdrop, immediately immerses players in a visually rich environment. Intuitive and sleek, the interface reflects the game’s core themes of innovation and ecological awareness. Players can effortlessly navigate through options to start new adventures, adjust settings for optimal gameplay, or continue their quest to harmonize technology with nature. This seamless entry point sets the tone for a sophisticated gaming experience that is as thought-provoking as it is engaging.


To ensure players are well-equipped to tackle the challenges of EcoSynth, our tutorial mechanism introduces the game’s mechanics in an interactive and digestible format. As players engage with the tutorial, they are guided through the basics of building and resource management within a simulated eco-friendly city. The tutorial UI, featuring a series of dynamic, context-sensitive instructions, adapts to the player's actions, offering tailored advice that helps them learn at their own pace. This system not only educates newcomers on complex gameplay elements but also reinforces the game's commitment to blending learning with entertainment.


EcoSynth offers a deep, strategic gameplay experience where players must manage and expand a city that balances technological advancements with ecological integrity. Players will navigate through layers of gameplay that involve constructing infrastructure, weapon tech tree, managing energy and resource allocation, and innovating with eco-technologies to sustain their city’s growth. The game challenges players to make critical decisions that impact the urban landscape and its relationship with the environment. Featuring a blend of simulation and real-time strategy elements, EcoSynth encourages players to think critically about sustainability and urban planning, making it not just a game, but a platform for raising awareness about environmental stewardship.





Old Burrin
Carlow, R93