Societal Impact of AI-Aided Attacks: A Research Proposal  OpenAI, Python, Flask, Prompt Engineering Julie Buckley
Capture the Flag (CTF) Learning Platform Proxmox, Active Directory, Web Security, Reverse Engineering, Cryptography, Forensics, and Network Security Andrew Currie
Automated Network tester NMAP, Knock, SubBrute, Scapy, Traceroute, Python Paul Loftus
Machine Learning Email Phishing Detection tool ChatGPT API, Outlook API, JavaScript, Python, HTML, CSS Jamie Yong Wei Ng
Website Accessibility Python, Flask Jack McDonagh
Reverse engineering tool to reverse engineer oem specific trouble codes CAN, PCAN USB, Python Conor Clarke
An investigation into fully automating a biased news website LLAMA3, Python Lorcan Greaves
ELK SIEM Implementation with Atomic Red Team for Threat Detection Python, OsQuery, BlueSpawn,git, CMake Reano De Sousa
Securing Active Directory (AD) with Open-Source Tools in a Proxmox and Hyper-V Virtual Environment  Wazuh, PingCastle,NinjaOne, Emil Cheteg
Malware Analysis Tool Python,Flask, VSCode, HTML, CSS Fionn finane
Network Simulator Python,Flask,Docker,Snort, Viet Pham
Escape Room Unity, C# Peter Hyland
Incident Monitoring Python, PostgreSQL Daniel Vetrila
Infrastructure as code Python, boto3,PyYAML, JSON, EC2, S3 Dylan Kirk
Network Scanner NMAP, Python Aiden Moloney
Network Analysis Tool for Students Python, Flask, VSCode, Tshark, Pyshark Nathan Murphy
Analysis of security on Playstation Consoles EvilNat CFW, CCAPI, GSC Studio, Debugger Brian Barry