virtual_assistant module

virtual_assistant.clean_object(obj: object)

[Method that cleans the objects created]


obj (Skill) – [Skill object]

virtual_assistant.listen_decision(AIStatus: str)

[Method that listens to the user’s decision in audio format (using voice recognition) and transforms it into text]


AIStatus (str) – [The virtual assistant’s status: e.g.: processing, listeninging, etc]


[The virtual assistant’s response to the user’s request]

Return type


virtual_assistant.listening(AIStatus: str)

[Method that listens to the user’s voice input (using voice recognition) and transforms it into text]


AIStatus (str) – [The virtual assistant’s status: e.g.: processing, listeninging, etc]


[The virtual assistant’s response to the user’s request]

Return type



[Playing the virtual assistant’s response back to the user in audio format]

virtual_assistant.speak(text: str)

[This method transforms the virtual assistant’s response from text to voice, using gTTS (Google’s voice)]


text (str) – [String that needs to be transformed into an audio output]

virtual_assistant.start(user: str, response: str, AIstatus: str, understanding: str, cameraRunning: bool)

[This method starts the virtual assistant, that will process the user’s request and delivers a meaningful answer]

  • user (str) – [The user in front of the camera]

  • response (str) – [The answer from the virtual’s assistant in text format that is displayed to the screen]

  • AIstatus (str) – [The virtual assistant’s status displated to the screen]

  • understanding (str) – [The user’s voice input, in text format]

  • cameraRunning (bool) –

    Camera module running from the main Camera process:

    • True -> Camera is running from the main Camera process

    • False -> Camera module is not running from the main Camera process