Vulnerability Management Tool | Visual Studio, C#, SQL Server | Sine Doheny |
Email Spam Filter using Machine Learning | MySQL database, hMailServer, Flask, Python, Email Server,Machine learning algorithms (Naive Bayes, SVM, Random Forest, Logistic Regression), Windows | Hazel Murphy |
Automation of network/server security provisioning using DevOps tools | Ansible, Python, Django, Ubuntu | Katie Brophy |
WINTRE: Adversary Simulation | C#, XAML, WPF, JSON, C++ | Martin Earls |
Vulnerability Cost of Breach Calculator | Excel | Sarah De Vries |
The OS Security Showdown | Linux, Windows, Nmap, Python | Ciara Dunleavy |
Automotive CAN Network Reverse engineering & automotive instrument cluster control tool | PCAN dongle, C#, GitHub, Windows | Thomas Jordan |
Stegano | Android Studio, Eclipse IDE | Sean Reidy |
Snow Crash - Using QR codes as a means of cyber attack | Shell-scripting, Qrencode, ZBar, feh, Android, Linux, Windows, Malware | Brendan Burke |
Secure File Vault | Java, MySQL, Android Studio | Jack Hooton Byrne |
Testing the Extendability of the Burp Suite | Burp Suite, Brackets, VisualStudio, Xampp, GitHub, Python, Ruby, Java | Sean O Connor |
Chrome Extension for SQL Injection and XSS Vulnerability | HTML, Javascript (JQuery), CSS | Colin Brophy |
Mobile Forensics Application | Python, Linux, Windows 10, Sublime | Connor Scanlan |
Gamified Tool For Teaching Cyber Security | Android Studio, Kotlin, Google Firebase | Patrick Alabi |
Dynamic Analysis Tool | Python, PAGE - Gui Creator, Geany | Cormac O Neill |
Home Security System | Raspberry PI, Python, MySQL | Evan Whelan |
Deepfake Image Detection Tool | Visual studios, Python 3.1, Benford's Law, Discrete Cosine Transform | Younis Ghirfani |
Home WiFi Security Checker | Python, NMAP | Thomas Hughes |