Vulnerability Management Tool Visual Studio, C#, SQL Server Sine Doheny
Email Spam Filter using Machine Learning MySQL database, hMailServer, Flask, Python, Email Server,Machine learning algorithms (Naive Bayes, SVM, Random Forest, Logistic Regression), Windows Hazel Murphy
Automation of network/server security provisioning using DevOps tools Ansible, Python, Django, Ubuntu Katie Brophy
WINTRE: Adversary Simulation C#, XAML, WPF, JSON, C++ Martin Earls
Vulnerability Cost of Breach Calculator Excel Sarah De Vries
The OS Security Showdown Linux, Windows, Nmap, Python Ciara Dunleavy
Automotive CAN Network Reverse engineering & automotive instrument cluster control tool PCAN dongle, C#, GitHub, Windows Thomas Jordan
Stegano Android Studio, Eclipse IDE Sean Reidy
Snow Crash - Using QR codes as a means of cyber attack Shell-scripting, Qrencode, ZBar, feh, Android, Linux, Windows, Malware Brendan Burke
Secure File Vault Java, MySQL, Android Studio Jack Hooton Byrne
Testing the Extendability of the Burp Suite Burp Suite, Brackets, VisualStudio, Xampp, GitHub, Python, Ruby, Java Sean O Connor
Chrome Extension for SQL Injection and XSS Vulnerability HTML, Javascript (JQuery), CSS Colin Brophy
Mobile Forensics Application Python, Linux, Windows 10, Sublime Connor Scanlan
Gamified Tool For Teaching Cyber Security Android Studio, Kotlin, Google Firebase Patrick Alabi
Dynamic Analysis Tool Python, PAGE - Gui Creator, Geany Cormac O Neill
Home Security System Raspberry PI, Python, MySQL Evan Whelan
Deepfake Image Detection Tool Visual studios, Python 3.1, Benford's Law, Discrete Cosine Transform Younis Ghirfani
Home WiFi Security Checker Python, NMAP Thomas Hughes