
Prototype Overview

The prototype being used is split into two parts, the first part is to address increased efficiency in delivery and in the kitchen, and the other part is to use the chosen payment solution hardware to reduce physical contact.

Figure 3.1 - Kitchen Display Screen

Web Application

  • API Integration

    The initial prototype allows for testing various aspects of the Google Maps suite of APIs. This helped in deciding which specific tools were most suitable for our implementation.
    The API integration allowed for the most optimal route of the group of orders for delivery to be calculated.

  • Delivery Driver Return Time

    Further development of the prototype contributed to displaying the return time of the driver on a screen in the kitchen in an effort to allow the kitchen staff to better prioritise orders.

  • Rapid Testing

    Rapid prototyping was conducted in order to develop the web application efficiently in an effort to overcome the time constraints.

How It Works

In order to achieve route optimisation, the addresses for a group of deliveries is inputted into the Add Order screen. The optimal route via all the inputted addresses are calculated. When the driver leaves on a trip a countdown timer is initiated which can be displayed in the kitchen for the chefs. The chefs can use this information to better prioritise the orders to be cooked.
The driver can access the 'Get Route' page with segments the whole trip into sub-sections. These sub sections when selected opens a Google Maps Directions instance, which the driver can follow.

Prototype Demo


The payment prototype being used is a small device which SumUp provides, this will allow contactless payments to be made, see figure 3.2 below. The driver can enter a payment amount on their phone which is transmitted to the card reader. Customers can either tap or use 'Chip & Pin'.

Figure 3.2 - Air Card Reader (