
Worry less and Study more


About Bitesize

Bitesize is a mobile app marketed towards third-level students in Ireland with the hope to be scaled and used for students at all levels and ages.

Learning Techniques

LBitesize uses digital flashcards combined with well-researched and tested learning techniques such as spaced repetition, the Feynman technique and also Leitner systems.

Feynman technique

The Feynman technique is a study technique that was noted by an American theoretical psychist who was also a Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman. The main idea behind the technique is to take something hard to understand and try to clarify it in your mind by explaining it as if you were talking to a child.

Leitner systems

The Leitner system is essentially a spaced repetition exercise. It was introduced by a German man named Sebastian Leitner who was a scientific journalist

Spaced repeition

Spaced repetition is a method of reviewing material at systematic intervals. At the beginning of the learning process, the intervals are spaced closely together (for example, one hour; four hours; or one day). As the material is reviewed, the intervals become systematically longer (four days; one week; two weeks).


Current Issues

Sleep Deprivation

The consequences of bad study habits in the classroom are sometimes most noticeable when students experience sleep deprivation. To satisfy academic responsibilities, a considerable proportion of students turn to irregular sleep schedules and late-night study sessions, which negatively impact the quality and length of their sleep. A nationwide study by the American College Health Association found that more than 60% of college students said they had trouble getting enough sleep, and around 70% said they had poor-quality sleep. (Angelika Anita Schlarb, 2017). Such long-term sleep deprivation affects not only the cognitive processes necessary for learning and academic success but also raises stress levels, hinders memory consolidation, and lowers general well-being.


Stress, anxiety and depression rest at the top of the biggest health issues that university students face. The dangerous statistic is that Seventy-five percent to 90% of all doctor's office visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints. (MD, 2024). Poor study habits can lead to heightened stress levels among university students, with detrimental effects on their physical health. According to a survey conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA) in 2020, 75% of college students reported experiencing significant levels of stress (Logo, 2020). Additionally, studies indicate that extended sleep Procrastination, ineffective time management, and ineffective study methods can all lead to chronic stress, which can have detrimental effects on one's physical health. Long-term stress can upset the body's hormonal balance and raise cortisol levels, which are the main stress hormones in the body, according to research. Increased cortisol levels have been connected to several health concerns, such as weakened immune systems, digestive disorders, heart difficulties, and even premature ageing.

Burn out

Fundamentally, burnout is a condition of extreme emotional, mental, and physical tiredness brought on by prolonged stress and excessive effort. Students are more prone to burnout when they repeatedly participate in bad study habits such as procrastination, ineffective time management, and irrational academic expectations. Students who are under increasing pressure to perform academically may neglect important facets of their health, such as getting enough sleep, interacting with others, and practising self-care.

Project Solutions

Leitner System

The Leitner system, a tried-and-true technique for effective remembering, is incorporated to provide the learning process more structure and effectiveness. With Bitesize, students can maximise their study periods and improve their retention of material by methodically reviewing and repeating flashcards based on their level of knowledge. This lessens emotions of weight and overwhelm by fostering a sense of mastery and control over the learning process, in addition to reducing the cognitive load commonly associated with traditional study methods. Additionally, Bitesize may lessen the need for last-minute cramming sessions by empowering students to adopt more productive and efficient study techniques. This

Feynman technique

Deeper understanding and retention of the content are facilitated by the application of the Feynman technique, which emphasises the simplification and explanation of complicated topics in simple terms. Students sharpen their capacity to explain important concepts and develop a thorough knowledge of them through iterative cycles of self-explanation and revision. This method lowers exam-related anxiety while simultaneously improving academic achievement and fostering a sense of readiness and confidence.

Spaced repetition

Bitesize software allows students to study in a dispersed manner, distributing their burden over time, by sending out frequent reminders to review particular flashcards. This lessens the intensity of exam preparation as well as the last-minute cramming that is frequently linked to elevated stress levels.