BookSwap | .NET, C#, React, TypeScript | Ivan Yaremko |
Contextual Prediction Engine | Python, Jupyter Notebook, Machine Learning, Flask, NLP | Pierce Bennett |
ProjectOneSky: Sentiment Analysis | Python, Jupyter Notebook, Keras, TensorFlow, Flutter, Firebase | Jonathan Suryadiputra |
Machine Learning Exposure Correction | Python, TensorFlow, Keras | Mihaela Brodetchi |
Personal Dynamic Insurance App | Xamarin Forms, C#, Mongo/Realm Db, Bluethooth (LE), Android watch (C#), SQL-lite, Docker, AWS, Python, Flask, Machine Learning. | Ignas Rocas |
Services Dashboard | Vue.js, Laravel, MariaDB | Robert Binkowski |
Recipe app | React, Bootstrap, Firebase, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Json, GitHub, Visual Studio Code | Fillipe Soares |
Smart Shopping App | React Native, Firebase, Expo Go | Kemilson Cangunda |
Interactive IT Carlow Map | React Native, Expo Go | Adam Strahan |
Microservice-powered eCommerce platform | ASP.NET, C#, Swashbuckle/SwaggerUI, Docker, MongoDb, SQL, RabbitMQ, | Eoin Farrell |
Netwatch Object Recognition | PyTorch, Python, Flask, MLNET, C# | Benjamin Tremblay |
MigraineHub (Migraine Tracking Mobile Application) | Xamarin Forms, C#, XAML, Firebase, OpenWeather API, OpenFoodFacts API, ZXing Library | Michelle Bolger |
Balance Health | Android, Java, Movesense Sensor, Bluetooth(LE), Firebase, Python, Flask | Diarmuid Brennan |
Blockchain supported Marketplace | JavaScript, Solidity, Node JS, React | Andrew Guerin |
Diet Tracker Application | Android, Java, Firebase, OpenFoodFacts API, | Emmanuel Ayelabola |
Injury Recovery Application | Xamarin Forms, C#, XAML, Firebase, Stripe API, NewtonSoft.Json, LINQ | Daniel Dinelli |
Patient Health-Centred Social Network | React Native, Firebase, Expo Go | Adam Coakley |
Drivers & Riders | Android , Java , Firebase, Google API's | Sean Whelan |
Vedic Maths teaching app | Android , kotlin, firebase, Google API's | Krzysztof Bas |
Esports Performance App | Python,HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, GitHub, JavaScript | Michal Matusiewicz |
Sentiment Analysis of Social Media | Python, Keras, TensorFlow, Firebase, Jupyter Notebook, Tweepy API | Bobby Mitchell |
VR DevOps Game | C#, Unity, Windows, Photon Pun2 | Long Ye |
Gym Personal Training and Analytics App and Dashboard | React-Native, Firebase, Expo Go, Python | Weihao Liao |
Driving Companion App | Android, Flutter, Dart, Firebase, Google API's | Chi Ieong Ng |
Lanu Protoype | Python, Dash, QGIS, Keras, PostgreSql | Andrew Bashorum |
Activity Monitor | Java, C++,Android, SQLite, XML, BLE, Arduino, MPU-6050 sensor | Dylan Scott |